Saturday, September 14, 2013

And the work begins!

During her first two weeks with Mark, Poppy was extremely shy and panicked in the face of most new things – especially new people.  This is a video of Poppy after approximately two weeks of training.  Mark took her on a two mile hike where she ran into a number of dogs and people and did reasonably well along the way with training help.  Towards the end of their hike they reached a spot where there were a number of people and dogs clustered together.  As is seen in this video, Poppy is fairly overwhelmed by the presence of these people even though they are not near her or focused on her. Earlier on the walk Mark had been able to use food rewards to help her remain relatively calm and relaxed which was a nice improvement for her at this time but upon seeing the group of people she was too overwhelmed to take food.  Even though she has made great strides in the first few weeks of training, this shows that she still has a lot more work ahead of her.

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